Monday, March 2, 2009

Woman-owned IT firms seek inclusion

As the Small Business Administration considers which industries can receive set-asides, women business owners hope they won't be overlooked

Katie Sleep is training for the Ironman Triathlon in part to handle the stress of her job as chief executive officer of List Innovative Solutions Inc., a small technology company in Herndon, Va.

“The training has saved my life,” Sleep said. “If you carry that stress every day, you’ve got to get rid of it somehow.”

As part of a seven-day workout routine, Sleep runs on the Washington and Old Dominion Trail at 6:30 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. She swims Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:45 a.m., and she exercises again in the evenings and on weekends.

“Working out has given me the energy to save this company,” Sleep said.

Women who own small information technology firms, like Sleep, are under a lot of pressure to protect their companies during the current recession. Meanwhile, they are losing out on government business that could help them because there is no program that sets aside contracts for woman-owned small companies.

According to the Small Business Administration, women are underrepresented in some fields, but there are too many woman-owned businesses in the technology industry to warrant set-aside contracts.

In general, the IT field doesn’t have more woman-owned businesses competing for work than other industries, at least not on a per-dollar-spent basis, said Kevin Plexico, senior vice president of operations at Input, a market research firm. The IT industry tends to fall in the middle relative to other major industries. Some segments, such as professional services, tend to have a larger number of woman-owned businesses, but the average contract size tends to be smaller and therefore they attract small firms, he added.

SBA’s Dynamic Small Business Search directory lists 69,000 woman-owned firms. Of those, about 2,800 received prime contracts in fiscal 2008 for IT-related products and services. About 7,700 woman-owned small businesses span several types of technology-related sectors — from data processing to computer system design and computer sales — and they earned nearly $45.8 million in federal contracting in 2008, according to FedMine, a data research firm.

Persistence will pay

But women who own technology companies are not counting themselves out of getting a set-aside program.

“One thing about women is they don’t give up,” Sleep said.

In October 2008, SBA proposed expanding the set-aside program from four obscure industries, which include kitchen-cabinet making, to 31. However, IT was not included on the proposed new list. A women's advocacy organization said SBA is missing the bigger picture.

“The 30-plus [list] currently being considered still does not accurately portray what we believe to be the real situation — namely, that women in most industry sectors are underrepresented” among federal contractors, the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council wrote in November 2008 in response to SBA’s proposed rule.

Women who own small businesses battle for contracts against large incumbent companies that have strong ties to the government. They don’t have as many resources to compete for the work, especially when agencies bundle smaller projects into one large contract. Women also often stand on the outside of an exclusive club of insider companies, several women business owners said.

“Quite frankly, there are no benefits to being a woman-owned small business,” said Alison Brown, president and CEO of Navsys Corp., a Global Positioning System software engineering company in Colorado Springs, Colo. For example, women face serious barriers when they try to break into the defense contracting market, she said. Set-asides would help small businesses, but “I don’t mean to say it’s easy if you have a level playing field,” she added.

Obama raises hope

Many women are hopeful that the new president will bring change. During his campaign, then-Sen. Barack Obama said he wanted to boost contracting opportunities for women and would push to establish a contracting program for woman-owned businesses. In the past few years, Congress has sought to help women by creating such a program, but officials have yet to fully launch it.

Despite years of ignoring the issue and concerns about constitutionality, officials have tried in the past two years to create a framework of regulations for the program, but a recent regulatory proposal crushed any progress by upsetting some members of Congress and small-business advocates. Some lawmakers objected to SBA’s proposed rule that would have opened the set-aside program to only a select few industries. Senators were ready to block the regulation with a single provision in an appropriations bill.

A rule finalized Oct. 1, 2008, authorized contracting officers to restrict competition to eligible woman-owned small businesses for contracts worth less than $3 million in industries in which women were underrepresented. However, any agency seeking the set-aside must show SBA that the arrangement would meet constitutional requirements.

SBA wants better data

Under that rule, SBA must determine in which industries women are underrepresented. Officials are seeking input on what source of information would offer the clearest picture of women in business.

SBA officials are accepting comments until March 13 on whether the agency should use the Central Contractor Registration or the Census Bureau’s Survey of Business Owners. The survey includes information about demographics, type of business and gross receipts. Several experts say CCR and the survey are the only reliable sources with disparity ratio information.

But many business owners don’t approve of using CCR to determine the number of woman-owned small businesses that are ready to handle government contracts. They note that many companies don’t enter their names in the registry until they require payment for contracted work. And many of them are subcontractors that are not paid directly by the government.

“From personal knowledge, the CCR as indicative of truly woman-owned companies is some kind of stupid joke,” wrote an anonymous woman business owner in a comment to SBA about its proposal. The writer said CCR’s data is suspect because companies enter the information themselves. “Bad data is worse than no data,” she said.

However, SBA officials say the Census survey might overestimate the number of companies that are ready for set-aside contracts.

“The glass ceiling is still there,” Sleep said. “The question is how are you going to be creative and get around it.”

Alba Alemán, president of Citizant Inc., a company based in Chantilly, Va., that specializes in enterprise architecture, said women aren’t respected as federal contractors. Nevertheless, she has noticed more women in business these days, increasing the importance of having a set-aside program for IT companies.

“Set-asides support an emerging market,” she said.

Women business owners say they intend to continue fighting for set-asides, even if they only succeed in helping the next generation of entrepreneurs. As Sleep put it, “You always want to make it better for the people who are coming behind you.”

Read the story: - Woman-owned IT firms seek inclusion

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